“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” 
- Socrates


Feng Shui is a design system based on the flow of energy ‘qi or life force’ throughout your home or environment. When these patterns of invisible energy are aligned, they can strengthen and support us in all aspects of our life, including our health and well-being, abundance and career success, creativity and spirituality, and meaningful relationships.

Originating in China and rooted in Taoist principles, this discipline is roughly four thousand years old and embodies the belief in natures wisdom and its cyclic influences on our lives.

Research across environmental psychology, quantum physics, and biophilic design has proven that we are connected to our built environments in unseen ways. Through the practice of Feng Shui, we work to create home and work surroundings that are in alignment with our life goals and intentions, thus creating spaces that naturally support and nurture the individuals who occupy them.


T a k e  a  m o m e n t  t o  r e f l e c t  o n  y o u r  h o m e

〰️  If you improve the energy of your home, you will improve your actions and outlook

〰️  If you improve your outlook and actions, you will improve your destiny

〰️  If you improve your destiny, you will improve your chances for success and attract your desired future

I n t e n t i o n a l  W o r k s p a c e

Are you looking to maximize the energy of your small business, home office or project?

Here we’ll assess your floorplan and locate any challenging areas to strengthen and enhance. With your intentions in mind we’ll create powerful adjustments that will foster a healthy work environment – enhancing positivity, productivity, and in turn profits.



 Book Now 

2 hour video call
*Up to 2,200 sqft

I n t i m a t e  I n t e n t i o n


Starting small doesn't mean it's nonetheless powerful. Your bedroom is the room you spend the most time in, and it’s the most personal to you.

By placing our attention toward the bedroom, we invite profound change in a highly approachable and personal way.

hi :)


 Book Now 

1 hour video call

I n t e n t i o n a l  H o m e

Together, we'll consciously connect to your intentions and home by deeply reviewing your geographical placement and all of the interior and exterior factors of your property.

This includes going through each floor of the home assessing the floorplan, colors, materials, furniture, any elemental interferences, and more.


2 hour video call
*Up to 2,200 sqft

E l e m e n t a l 
E n e r g y  M a p p i n g

Discover more about your inner map and the themes running through your life experiences.

Based on your birthday, we'll create a custom downloadable outline of your elemental makeup, including recommendations on how to align your natural state with the items, materials, and colors of your home.

You can use the messages in your birthdate to create a life that’s a true fit for your authentic nature.

hi :)


 Book Now 

Email only

I n t u i t i v e   P a t h 
t o  H e a l i n g

Are you suffering from chronic migraines, insomnia, cancer, or other severe health-related issues?

This program is developed with your specific healing and wellness needs in mind.

It consists of a custom-designed 27-day plan, meeting virtually every 3-days; 9 sessions in total.

Among many things, we’ll look at where these issues might be showing up in your home and provide recommended adjustments, meditations, and perform personal and space clearings as needed– deeply supporting you in the healing process, both internally and externally.


9 sessions – 45 minute video calls

P e r s o n a l  &
S p a c e  C l e a r i n g s

This practice is particularly supportive if you’ve been feeling consistently out of balance, stressed, or stagnant.

We use clearings when we need to remove blockages, reset the energy, and restore harmony in your body or your space.

It is also a good idea to perform a clearing before moving into/acquiring a new home, land, or office to remove any residual energy from the previous owners. Aligning the space with your energy and intentions.




 Book Now 

1 hour video call


I am honored to support you on this journey of bringing more harmony
into your home and life.

R e a d y

Click the “Book Now” buttons to view my calendar and availabilities.
PLEASE NOTE: Depending on the service, you’ll likely want to give yourself a few days to a week in order to compile all materials ahead of our consultation.

R e f l e c t

Once you schedule, depending on the service, I will have you fill out a questionnaire similar to this one. Your answers become the jumping off point for deeper conversations around how to remove any blocks or stagnant areas that may be affecting the household or business – intern creating your most meaningful space. 

Next, I will have you send me a signed copy of your floorplan, one for each level of the space. Architectural drawings are best but not a requirement. We can always work off a hand sketch, nothing fancy is needed.

R e v i e w

Upon receiving all necessary items, I will review and devise a plan that reflects your desired future, providing nourishment and alignment to your space. We’ll then take a tour of your home and make whatever adjustments we can during our session – this can happen virtually or *in person.

R e c e i v e

Each service is unique, but typically you’ll leave the session with:

〰️  a comprehensive deck outlining recommendations, including indications notated on your floorplan, as well as reference sheets

〰️  a recording of our session (if desired)

〰️  space clearing and blessing to close the session

〰️  1-month access to a specific google drive to review (and download) all of the shared resources

〰️  1-month email access for any feng shui questions related to your session and the recommendations

〰️  ability to schedule a 20 minute follow-up call within one month from your consultation

*For inquiries about in-person consultations or larger spaces, please reach out to us directly to discuss our pricing and availability.